Salus Factum's philosophy is simple: "We help businesses manage risks today so they can grow even faster tomorrow."
This can be achieved through high-quality service, a strong sense of responsibility, trust, honesty, integrity, and respect for our customers and their values.
Our primary goals are to create a safe working environment for our clients, provide information on occupational safety policies, and educate them about the crucial role of implementing safety instructions and training within a company.
We offer workplace safety inspections, accident investigations, and the creation of a safe environment. Salus Factum's specialists, with many years of experience in the construction and engineering sectors, tailor their services to meet each client's needs.
we ensure
- Full support for safety management systems within organisations.
- Development of safety policies.
- Training.
- Inspections.
- Investigation of incidents.
- Crisis management support and representation.
At Salus Factum, we offer efficient, client-tailored solutions for stakeholders at competitive prices to address safety problems effectively.